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ETK - In The Mouth Of Sandman (Metallica vs John Carpenter)

eternalkhaoseternalkhaos Posts: 52Member

Hey and Happy Halloween, I'm releasing (or re-releasing) my 2011 mashup In The Mouth Of Sandman but with extra surprise. First, the mashup has been remastered using original sources from my old laptop (discovered plenty there so may remaster others and finishing unmade ones) and another is that I'm dropping a "Sutter Cane Rewrite" remix which uses instrumental reconstructed from better source, film dialogues from In The Mouth Of Madness and tweaking on Metallica vocals here and there.

Metallica - Enter Sandman
John Carpenter - In The Mouth Of Madness
Dialogues from film "In The Mouth Of Madness" (1994) [Sutter Cane Rewrite Only]

Download Both Here

Enjoy :)


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