satis5d: Humble Beginnings (Best of 2016)

Many here might not know that I've only been making mashups for about a year now. I made my very first mashup in 2014 (which didn't go well) and then tried a couple more times in 2015 with a bit more success. But after I joined Mashstix in late November of last year, I started to get serious about making mashups. And I've made over 60 mashups since then. So, as I approach my first anniversary as a "mashup artist" I've decided to create a compilation of what I consider to be my best work to date. Some of these have already been featured in Mashup Showcase #51, of which I am truly honored to be a part. If you want to get to know my "style," and what I've produced, this is as good a showcase as you're going to get. About an hour of the "rock side" featuring my rock, pop and country mashups, and about 75 minutes of the "dance side." I hope that you enjoy these continuous-play selections.



  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • DJUseoDJUseo Posts: 4,033Super Moderator
    Really happy with all of this. Great presentation to accompany the enjoyable mixes.
    You surely have a strong gift for this & I think it presents you as someone of elevated skills. Who would suspect you are a "newbie" in some ways? Not me.
    Thanks for the great times.
    Please invite your friends and favorite mixers to join AudioBoots.
  • I remember as a teen in the 80's dreaming of making remixes. I even distinctly remember hearing the Pet Shop Boys sing "Go West" and thinking, "That song seems like it would pair well with Real McCoy's "Run Away." That was before I even knew what a mashup was. So yeah, I may be new to making them, but I've been thinking about doing this for a long time. I tend to learn new skills quickly, but my sights are set pretty high. Being a moderator at Mashstix and having to critically evaluate all the great mashups submitted there has taught me a ton. I'm very excited for what next year's list will look like. I've got a lot of mashups I want to make this year.

    Thanks for the encouraging words.
  • DJUseoDJUseo Posts: 4,033Super Moderator
    Glad to hear you're motivated. That's what it takes!

    Please invite your friends and favorite mixers to join AudioBoots.
  • Awesome, dude!
  • Thanks much for sharing your mashups on Audioboots.
    Playing this album is real listening pleasure.
  • great...
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